Monday 10 September 2012

Where should I my WoW monk of 25-30 level?

At this level bracket, you have three options: Arathi Highlands, Northern Stranglethorn Vale and stonetalon mountains. Two of these (Arathi and Stranglethorn Vale) are on the continent of the Eastern Kingdoms, off Stonetalon themselves in Kalimdor. This is to check something, save as, your choice, but I'm you focusing mostly on outreach and ease the progression here.

Arathi Highlands: this zone is practically before the disaster apart from a few small functionality changes. Power the quests here is pretty vanilla (and a bit isolated from the rest of the world), but it is a good area for collecting. It feels a bit like it, forgetting the time what that it might be a good zone means to meet, as soon as the extension (only you, ore and a bunch of raptors!). However, there is only a trajectory for each group, so that it not necessarily the best one for convenience.

Northern Stranglethorn Vale: this is the top half of what is now divided by a massive waterfall/whirlpool only Stranglethorn Vale, but the zone. Accordingly, the quests in this zone is completely new and pretty fun. There are also two routes for both groups, which makes things a little faster. The conversion and simple development to the Cape of Stranglethorn Vale are sure though that this is a frequented area when the extension is released.

Stonetalon mountains: This zone was also massive changes with the disaster, which means that the quests are fresh and fun. Characters some strong RPG elements contain around the Horde and the Alliance, battles for resources and territory. Because the zone is obviously quite mountainous, there are five routes for each group here, which makes getting around much more efficient. And it is not surprising, the zone is heavy on mining. As Stranglethorn Vale, this place could see a lot of activity/action (if you interested in PVP), so that it's same that probably is not the best for fast.

All in all I will go with stonetalon mountains. The last expansion with many cited it as their favorite area for leveling received a lot of good attention. As I say, like Arathi Highlands, were the most people a monk PvP leveling probably countless times by. The same and more, eight, an immense work, is ten times before everything, if some of them have not properly been updated, the changes in the rest of Azeroth. However, if you go for search in solitude, Arathi Highlands would be the clear choice.

In addition the monk Dojo learn more about monk race, skills, talents and by visiting the # 1 source for monks in world of Warcraft Powerleveling!

View the original article here

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