Thursday 30 August 2012

WoW master brewer builds and glyphs

For brewmasters I going'm to look to two potential builds: one for PVP and PVE. The PVP build focus on damage and CC, relying on the specialization natural survive, to keep you alive. Conversely the PVE spec will focus on survival and if possible, threat.

PVE Brewer

15: Momentum increases your movement speed with roll. From the three choices as I this at the most it is the most common movement to increase speed. If you need to draw a mob aggro or to regain position with a boss, this talent works best.

30: Chi wave damaged or the next five goals, to cure, so it is a good way to create threat on Monster to your party. It is better as Chi on your goals all being burst as before, which is unusual in a Dungeon or RAID.

45: Chi BREW, because you'll be relying on keg smash and not JAB Chi. To generate power strikes less than this talent with which you fill is far useful your Chi immediately then use some of your higher risk could moves at the start before falling back in a twist.

60: Leg sweep. The level 5 second stun to a relatively short cooldown surpasses the other two talents in aggro generation and is a beautiful type of interrupt as the opportunity to do unreturned damage. Because the monster anyway will be around you, this looks perfect.

75: Steaming damage can some pretty hefty hits from a raid boss reduce every 90 seconds, and will be useful in any case. Outside such struggles may be healing elixirs the better choice, because it wants to heal you 10% of your health when you clean transfer damage you will do much. You switch between these two as situation dictates many brewmasters.

90: Jade wind noise looks like a nice way to generate threat of damage if you fight a group of enemies. However, it is the White Tiger against single targets invoke Xuen, a more efficient work.

Major glyphs:Glyph of the breath of fire, glyph of Leer of the ox and glyph of Stoneskin

Minor glyphs: Glyph of flying snake roll kick, symbol of the spirit and glyph roll water

PVP Brewer

15: Tiger lust, as will get much backwards to the PVP and it breaks a kind of faster and always move extremely helpful.

30: Chi burst seems better to damage in PVP, especially since it out into a set of players can do as you in running.

45: Chi BREW can to some early pressure with max Chi set, but every 20 seconds come in a close second with five Chi instead of four or an additional Chi. This could easily be preference.

60: Leg sweep is perfect in the PVP, because it is an area five second stunning on a short cooldown. This is too good to pass up.

75: You can diffuse magic all these nasty points to strip off and she on the Caster. It provides also magical protection for a short period of time. Steaming damage comes in a close second because of its ability to close combat to relieve burst.

90: Jade wind noise. The area of effect damage on this talent is very nice, and with the spinning crane kick buff, it is even better. Large battles are common in BG, but call Xuen in an arena, the White Tiger could be much better.

Major glyphs:Glyph of the breath of fire, glyph of clash and glyph of Stoneskin. To disorient players for three seconds is very helpful when the trade associations, such as a prolonged fight. Stoneskin Druid helps feral to mitigate bleeds.

Small icons:Glyph of the flying serpent kick, glyph of water roll and glyph of spinning fire flowers.

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